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Christine Schub

Amelia Island, FL





Inspiration can come from anywhere.... a scene described in a book,an old memory,a feeling...I do not start painting with any preconceived notion..only .the muse letting me know it is time for the studio,time to rummage through the many tubes of oil paint, grab a brush and lay some colors down.


I begin my paintings with no preconceived notion...just a splash of thinned oil paints on hardboard or stretched canvas or linen. Then, using richer layers of paints, I define shapes and add details.

A note from the Artist: 

Thank you for visiting and staying connected! Please use the contact link above if you have questions, or want to learn more about the artwork.

A note from RSFAS:

For inquiries or clarification about the artwork shown, please contact the artist directly. 

Weekend Events 

NOW through Sun, Jun 6 @5pm

Please check out the gallery artists by CLICKING HERE

If this artist is participating in either event, their day and time is listed below in purple. No purple? Then please check out the complete schedule by CLICKING HERE

If this artist is participating in a virtual booth, their day and time will be listed below in purple. No purple? Then please check out the complete schedule by CLICKING HERE

The one link is good for all days.  

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